Maybe it's me and the fact that I am 51 years old, but why is it that every doctor and drug store asks you for your date of birth as a form of ID?
When did things change to giving your date of birth for everything? It used to be that they either asked you to spell your last name or give your social security number. I was ok with that. Now that I'm 51 it's just not fair and I am pissed!
This seriously drives me crazy, since for the last 8 years or so I have sat in an open seating plan at work where everyone hears what you say. So basically, every time I call one of my numerous doctors' offices, I have to go find someplace private so nobody hears me say 10/25/62! What happened to giving your social security number? Nobody has the same social security number, and while I know the chances are slim, there is a chance that someone could have the same date of birth.
Even going to the drug store is painful - everytime I go to pick up a prescription at CVS, they ask me at the counter to state my date of birth. What if there is some cute guy standing by me and I don't want him to know how old I am? Why in god's name can they not check my ID another way? Duane Reade used to ask for your date of birth, but now they make you put in your phone number. I like that!
Not only do I not want to be reminded about how old I am, I definitely do not want my 20-something co-workers knowing that I am "old" - at least in the physical sense. Working in an advertising agency where every 20 people are 20-something hipsters from Williamsburg, I am super sensitive to people knowing how old I am. It pigeon holes you as "older," i.e. not hip or cool. Dam it, I am still cool...and hip!
What even pisses me off more, is when I call my dermatologist for make an appointment for a skin treatment, they ask for my date of birth - of all the doctor's they should be especially sensitive to a women's age. After all, they are in the business of trying to make you look younger so why do they insist on having you state your age every time I make an appointment?
If anyone who works in a doctor's office reads this, please take note of this post - women over 40 do NOT like to have to state how old they are when calling for an appointment.
Does this bother any one else or is it only me?
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